Friday, March 26, 2010

TM Advertising

TM, or Temerlin-McClain. The first half of which is the man for whom my school is named. TM is a full-service agency that is known as one of the biggest in the southwest. They are well-known for their work for American Airlines and Nationwide Insurance (great... "Nationwide is on your side" is now playing on loop in my head). It was founded in 1934 as Glenn Advertising, changed names a few more times until settling on Temerlin-McClain, and now just TMA. It is part of Interpublic Group. Some of their clients include American Heart Association, Nintendo Wii,, and Texas Tourism.

I love a good billboard. If it's good enough to almost cause a car accident, then it's all right with me! Like most good out-door ads, this isn't just an ad, it's a demonstration. What's awesome about this one is that it is bound to get the attention of passersby - especially those most inclined to slow down to observe accidents... or debris... or a pebble in the road. I like it because it isn't a grandiose display (see the Chick-Fil-A installments). It is simple, direct, and makes its point easily. It reminds me of the Y&R Tel Aviv outdoor work from Y&R as shown below:

I like TMA's version better because it is simpler and cleaner.

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