Thursday, April 22, 2010


2nd largest indie agency in the U.S.

Founded in Milwaukee in 1898 by Fred "Cody" Cramer and William Krasselt. They relocated to Chicago in the 80s.

Famous for their Corona Beer work. And apparently for creating "stealth disco"...

Clients: AirTran Airways, Porsce Cars North America, Benjamin Moore, Heinz, Bombardier Recreational Products, Sealy, and Johnsonville Sausage.

C-K (Chicago). I don't know if I have said this yet, but I love anything done for Ad Council. They are all so brilliantly made, and spur me to action even if it doesn't apply to me. This one grabbed my attention because it dropped me right in the middle of a household during a disaster. I was forced to watch as they flew through the air, scrambling to find their emergency kit. And I stopped to think, what would I be trying to grab? Do I even have an emergency kit? I guess, living in Tornado Alley, I'm part of the target market and so the ad is more geared to me. But I truly think the the cinematography is a unifying force, capturing anyones attention throughout the whole commercial, target or not. And that's what's cool about this ad. It makes me feel like I'm there.

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