Wednesday, January 27, 2010


BBDO is the largest of OMNICOM's three global agencies. BBDO was founded in 1928 by Batten, Barton, Durstine, and Osborn. They merged with BBD Needham in 1986 to form OMNICOM. Now they have 287 offices in 77 countries. Some of their more famous work includes the "Have it your way" Burger King slogan, work for the Economist, Campbell's, and Gillette.

The following is an ad for AT&T's "Be Sensible" campaign in movie theaters by BBDO New York:

I think this ad is great because it plays off of the audience's knowledge of movies and the directing process. It takes the "please silence your cell phones" message and makes it interesting and relevant to the audience, providing entertainment as well as a fair warning. I like it because it's not one of the cheesy fake movie trailer ones where they trick us into thinking we're about to watch something awesome and then WAM, just kidding, aren't cell phones annoying? Instead, it turns the frustration on us in a way that more accurately resembles the way we would feel if someone interrupted us. Out of all the "Please Shut Up" movie ads, this one I actually look forward too.

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