Wednesday, January 27, 2010


DDB is also part of the OMNICOM Holding Group. It also is the advertising agency with the highest revenue in the world according to AdAge (and wikipedia). Created in 1949 by Ned Doyle, Maxwell Dane and Bill Bernbach, DDB is said to have started the Creative Revolution by creating the first Creative Agency. Since then, DDB has become a worldwide powerhouse of clever and creative advertising.

The following ad is part of a truly genius campaign (no pun intended, it really is genius) by DDB Chicago:

This ad (as well as the whole campaign) chooses to celebrate the average male instead of presenting some sort of media ideal. It is honest and accepts that sometimes guys are just guys. The satire is hysterical and points out the kind of things that I feel that guys really think about - those other random guys they see on TV. They played these ads on the radio too, which is great because it doesn't sound like your average radio commercial.

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