Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dieste Harmel & Partners

Dieste Harmel & Partners is "one of the leading providers of advertising to the Hispanic community" according to Hoovers. It was founded in 1995 and is part of OMNICOM's Diversified Agency Services division. It's headquarters is in Dallas, Tx (my hometown). What's strange is that I really cannot find any other information about Dieste online (that's in English, that is.) So, I guess I'll go straight into the ads:

This is absolutely one of my favorite ads. There's nothing really special about it in the sense that it presents information that everyone already knows, but it derives its power from forcing the audience into the perspective of someone struggling with anorexia. To show Dieste's diversity I have also included one of their ads geared towards the Hispanic community.

I like this ad because it takes a different approach to laundry detergent, making it whimsical and unexpected. I honestly didn't know what the ad was advertising until the little boy appeared. It's interesting to see how the same product is advertised for different target markets or ethnicities, showing the diversity in approach to each group.

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