Monday, March 15, 2010


The greatest agency to be named after a color! I always kind of feel bad for them since they lost Bill Bernbach and he basically exploded the entire industry into a creative powerhouse. Oh well, their loss.
Grey Global Group was founded in 1917 and became part of WPP in 2005. Their clients (past and present) include KRaft, VW, Dairy Queen, E-Trade (the talking babies), Proctor & Gamble, Playtex, and Visa.
The following is an ad for Polident Denture Care:

Grey - Malasia. Tag: You'll forget you're wearing dentures. Usually I find ads for products like dentures, toothpaste, or shampoo very drab and unoriginal, but this one totally caught me by surprise. To be honest, it took me a while to understand this campaign, but once I got it, it made complete sense. I like how it uses food (denture's classic nemesis) to get the point across - "you'll forget you're wearing dentures". Plain and simple. Instead of boring us with product benefits, statistics, or gross close-ups of mouths eating, they succeeded gracefully.

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