Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Headquartered in London, Lowe Worldwide has had a very interesting history which somewhere down the line involves a merger with Ammirati Puris Lintas, making them the 4th largest advertising agency in the world in 2000. It is part of Interpublic. Some of their famous clients are Unilever, Johnson and Johnson, Nestle and General Motors.

Lowe & Partners (El Salvador). I love a good outdoor installation. Once again, this one is simple and gets the point across without being too wordy or showy or in your face. The only issue is that some might consider it ugly. This one shows me that I can drive my Frontier through the wind, sleet, snow, and mud, and it will still endure. Awesome. It reminds me of the outdoor stuff I have posted earlier fron Y&R and the like.

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