Monday, April 19, 2010

Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal + Partners

kbs+p. I feel like I'm back in AP Calculus.

HQ in NYC.

Clients: Target, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Duck Unlimited, BMW, The $100,000 Pyramid (Donny Osmond, anyone?), Wendy's, Panasonic, the NY Post, and Oxygen.

I thought this was interesting... they do the "How to Make a TV Ad" for Google TV Ads' interface. Although I question the whole "it only takes 5 steps" advice...

Now for some real stuff.
kps+p (NYC). I know it's a bit grainy, but I had to use my mac's Grab tool to get this one. This campaign was meant to empower young women and get them more involved in the deodorant-buying process. This ad was created, as the copy states, by 4,649 ban users. Through this campaign they encourage consumers to write in what they wanted to "ban", ultimately producing this ad. I think it's cool because it allows the target audience to be active in the portrayal of the product. If I were to see something that I sent in on one of the ads I would truly feel as though the people at ban actually payed attention to me, they honestly took what I said and thought about it, mulled it around their heads, and liked it enough to put it on a poster. What's great is that the things printed are pretty generic, so hundreds and thousands of women can see their message in the ad, whether or not they wrote it. It's as if ban is saying, "We can't help you to change the world, but we can keep you from sweating while you do it."

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