Thursday, April 15, 2010


Every time I see this agency's name I think of my hometown, McKinney, Tx. Maybe I can utilize that association and turn it into a mnemonic memory device. I'll let you know how it goes...

HQ: Durham, North Carolina. Founded in 1969 by Charles "Chick" McKinney (the reason his nickname was Chick and not Chuck is beyond me), McKinney is known as a creative powerhouse. Clients include Nike, Nationwide Insurance, Travelocity (they created the Traveling Gnome), Southern Comfort, Gold's Gym, Major League Gaming, Coldwell Banker, Partnership for a Drug-Free America, and Sherwin-Williams.

McKinney (Durham). I used to read Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was in elementary school and am so glad someone finally decided to use that concept for TV. Although I don't think I completely understand this campaign (did they play these on normal TV or was it like an in-menu ad on the TiVo?) I think that the overall concept is pretty creative. I especially love how different the alternate endings are - both are so over-the-top that I think either gender would find them humorous.

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