Monday, April 26, 2010


Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Montreal, Canada, there are now 5 locations in Canada, 1 in the US, and 1 in Europe. Apparently, TAXI has an approach that structured its employees into teams that each work on a different client. Strawberry Frog and SMART have adopted this process as well. Go Canada. It's always nice to hear of agencies reinventing the way things work. I guess it's kind of like each client gets their own Taxi cab that will take them where they need to go (okay, cheesy, but it will help me remember for the test).

Clients: Mini, Aviva, Blue Shield, Plan B, WestJet, Carling...

Famous for its work for VIAGRA.

TAXI (Toronto). Covenant House. This ad is cool because it catches you off guard. We are all used to the images on toy boxes, it is normal to see children enjoying a toy, but this ad puts it in a different context. It shows that altoughh we may think it's normal, homeless children consider it an unreachable ideal and would much prefer a safe place to sleep rather than a frivolous toy. The ad is great too because it catches you around Christmas time when you are already thinking about what a kid would want to see wrapped beneath the tree. Now you just feel guilty. In a good way, I guess.

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