Tuesday, April 6, 2010


T.A.G. San Francisco. Other than that it is located in San Francisco and is part of McCann Worldwide there is very little information about it online. I'm sure it's either because it is relatively new or it's uber awesome... or possibly both. Similar to Cutwater SF, this spin-off agency specializes in high-quality, high-budget video work. Their clients include Playstation, Zune, Adidas, Xbox, and Fox Sports. I really wanted to post their ad for Xbox's Viva Pinata merely because it is hysterical, but I decided to post the following because I feel that it better displays how large-scale T.A.G.'s stuff truly is:

T.A.G. (San Francsco). This isn't an ad for Xbox Live. It's an ad for the Xbox Live experience. How better to visualize the thrill of competing against fellow players around the world than by putting it in a more familiar context? The water balloon fight illustrates Xbox's message simply and brilliantly, showing how Xbox Live is more than a game, it is an interaction. The sheer size of this production is astounding to me. Hundreds of water balloons, scores of extras, I can't imagine how long it took to film this spot, let alone how many takes. This is just one example of how T.A.G. operates on a larger scale than the everyday agency.

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